
As a primarily volunteer organisation, it is considered particularly appropriate and important to provide opportunities for members to gain recognition for their outstanding contributions to SMAANZ and to the field of sport management. The SMAANZ Distinguished Service Award is intended to: (a) recognise the distinction of contribution within SMAANZ and the field of sport management, and (b) encourage high standards of service to SMAANZ and professional contribution to the organisation.

Conditions of Award

This award recognises the provision of exemplary service to SMAANZ, which may additionally include but is not limited to long term or career contributions in the following areas:

  • Ongoing service, support and membership to SMAANZ (double weighting)
  • Research
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Sport Industry Engagement
  • Contribution to Publications / Editing
  • Other


  1. The nominee must be a current member of SMAANZ and have held at some time at least 5 years of continuous membership for qualification. 
  2. The recipient will be recognised at the SMAANZ Conference by the presentation of a plaque and is expected to attend in person to accept the award. The recipient will be invited to deliver a short (10 minute) speech. Further, the recipient of the SMAANZ Distinguished Service Award may be invited to present a keynote presentation at a SMAANZ Conference in the future.

Nomination Procedure

  • Queries should be sent directly to Kevin Filo (k.filo@griffith.edu.au)
  • The President of SMAANZ will chair a Distinguished Service Award Committee.
  • The nomination should be submitted through the online portal by clicking "Nominate Now" at the top of the page.
  • The nomination should be no longer than 5 pages and attached as a .doc or .pdf in the deliverables of the webform.
  • The nomination must specifically describe the nominee’s accomplishments in relation to the award criteria. It is recommended that up to three letters/testimonials of support be included in the nomination package (these do not count among the 5-page limit).
  • The Committee may request additional information from the nominator.
  • All nominations will be assessed in confidence.
  • The Award Committee will recommend a recipient to the SMAANZ Board.
  • The conferral of the award is dependent on the quality of the applicant in relation to the criteria and thus the Award Committee/Board reserves the right not to confer the award in any given year.