The SMAANZ HDR Hour series aims to provide an opportunity for our SMAANZ community to collaborate and feel a sense of inclusion. The online series is open to everyone and is free to attend! Whilst it is focused on HDR students (similar to our mid-year HDR program), we encourage all levels of the SMAANZ community to be involved in order for this to be a success.

SMAANZ, NASSM & EASM are working together to provide an international networking event series for sport management students. Participants get the opportunity to meet other participants from other regions in a series of timed exchanges!

The sessions are 5 minutes long– just enough time to give a quick overview about yourself, hear the other person’s version and ask some questions – then it is time to move on and meet the next person!


2020 HDR Hour Feedback

  • The sessions ran very smoothly and were easily accessible. I think the mix consisting of individuals with years of experience (e.g., professors) in contrast to individuals at the beginning of their journey (e.g., PhD Candidates) was also great”
  • “Thank you so much for putting this initiative together. I was encouraged to apply for the membership as I saw great value on being able to engage on the was fantastic!”
  • “I enjoyed the short presentations giving the opportunity for different presenters, the fact that is one hour, the willingness of some participants to have their cam on (so I could put faces on the names I’ve read or who were recommended to me), the presence of some well-established researchers in the meeting”
  • “I was inspired to attend the event to know more about SMAANZ, networking, see what people have been doing research on!